MJQ Atlanta

July 07, 2022
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party at MJQ Atlanta
© @mjqofficial.com / Website

Atlanta, USA

Club / Indoor / XS – 200-500


Pop, Hip Hop, Electronic




MJQ is a world where rules don’t apply and music is the only answer. 

MJQ first came to light in 1994 in the basement of a local hotel before moving to a better-fitting location in 1997. The founder, George Chang, chose the name of the nightclub as a nod to his favorite band, the Modern Jazz Quartet

With an all-embracing, punk aura, MJQ stole the hearts of party-goers in Midtown Atlanta. Though the city is renowned for its nightlife, MJQ stands out from the crowd with a storage shed for a venue. From the outside, the club looks like a run-down dive you’d usually take heed of, but once you walk inside; it’ll feel like home. MJQ has two spacious rooms and bar areas with graffitied walls.

Despite its grubby, underground soul, the club plays pop music impossible not to dance to.

The club is home to the misfits and outcasts craving some sweet release. Alongside a great selection of pop music, MJQ has live performances every now and then.

MJQ’s party-hoppers are millennials looking for shelter in music and dance. The dress code is as flexible as the club is, so put on your more relaxed – or eccentric – outfit and head to one of Atlanta’s most beloved nightclubs.  

MJQ is a ballsy club welcoming anyone and everyone who has the same motto: dance without judgment and prejudice.

© @mjqofficial / Instagram


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